Set in 1926, the playwright Matsuzaki Shunko meets a mysterious beatiful woman Shinako. He tells his patron Tamawaki about his three strange encounters with her. More strangely, however, one of the rooms at Tamawaki's large house resembles exactly the room where Matsuzaki met with Shinako. Matsuzaki is struck with fear that Shinako might be Tamawaki's wife. A few days later, Matsuzaki comes to know Ine who is just like Shinako. Ine introduces herself as the wife of Tamawaki. But he is told Ine has just been dead...
Director: Seijun SUZUKI
Cast: Yusaku MATSUDA (松田優作), Michiyo OHKUSU (大楠道代), Katsuo NAKAMURA (中村嘉葎雄)
Japanese title: 陽炎座
Japanese theatrical release: August 21st, 1981