Free Stone Productions Co,Ltd.



The COVID-19 pandemic hasn’t been kind to Meguru Cinema, and when an order comes from the government for movie theaters to close their doors for a month, its manager, Kubo, considers shutting down for good. Just after they’ve flipped the closing sign for what might be the last time, a young movie director comes bursting in, begging Kubo to show his movie despite the pandemic. Kubo agrees to a single showing, placing his hope in an old superstition as his last chance to keep the theater running.

Directed by Yu SAKUDO (作道雄)
Short - Drama | 2022 | Color | 24 min.
Cast: Kanji Tsuda (津田寛治), Hiromasa Taguchi (田口浩正)

Film Festival
- Leeds International Film Festival (2022)
- Nippon Connection (Germany) (2023)
- Asian Summer Film Festival (Spain) (2023)